Relicário’s Sounds – Training the Phonological Knowledge with Association of Onomatopoeias to Segments
Dina Caetano Alves
University of Lisbon/CLUL; ESSEM, Relicário de Sons
In clinical practice, we usually observe the occurrence of some linguistic processing handicaps normally associated to articulatory, phonological or graphemic disorders.
These evidences have led to the team of Relicário de Sons (RdS is a SLP’s team that work in Lisbon, Portugal) to develop its own methodology, to standardize its action and its strategies and improve the efficiency of the therapeutic intervention.
This communication will present the methods and the instruments developed to materialize Relicário’s Sounds methodology, to answer the following investigation question: what linguistic and psycholinguistic options we should adopt to create appropriate tools for language (oral and written) pathologies rehabilitation in European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP)?
To answer this question and to achieve our goals, we reviewed available literature focused on development (production and perception) and phonological awareness in EP and in BP. This research intends to identify the most relevant (psycho)linguistics paradigms in way to guide the methodology and the conception of these tools.
As a result of this research, RdS’s team developed Relicário’s Sounds. These methodology and tool are based on phonological acquisition and processing theories and on (psycho)linguistic properties of EP and of BP that have more impact on phonological development and on language disorders (oral and written), identified on literacy.
Therefore, these methodology and tools resulted in (1) a set of 37 cards in A5 format with a representation of each consonantal and vocal segment of EP and BP and in (2) a set of stickers with geometric forms that allow all the phonological units representation: segment (phoneme/phone), syllable, word and stress.
The structure, selection and organization criteria used in front and back of these cards conduct us to the representation of phonetics, phonological and alphabetic paradigms, identified on phonological acquisition and development, on literacy and on rehabilitation of pathologies based on phonological processing deficits.
These tools permit to materialize different groups of sounds, as vowels and consonants, orals and nasals, all natural classes (fricatives, plosives, nasals and liquids), Manner of Articulation contrasts (MA), Place of Articulation contrasts (PA) and voicing contrasts.
These materials are presented as intervention tools, systematized and organized according to more usual affected paradigms in pathologies like Dyslexias, Phonological Disorders, Articulatory Disorders and others due to implicit or explicit phonological knowledge deficits.